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 Bulger faces important rehearsal

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PostSubject: Bulger faces important rehearsal   Bulger faces important rehearsal Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2008 7:19 am

Bulger faces important rehearsal
By Jim Thomas

Improved tackling and run defense? Check.

Improved blocking and running game? Check.

Improved passing game and quarterback play? Uh, check back later, please.

The Rams improved on several fronts last week in preseason game No. 2 against the San Diego Chargers. In fact, only the failure to find a rhythm in the passing game prevented the San Diego contest from being a feel-good evening. (At least as far as you can take such things in August.)

Now Baltimore, with the league's No. 6-ranked defense from a year ago, comes to town for Game 3 of exhibition play. Kickoff is 7 tonight in the Edward Jones Dome.

If the Rams are going to get quarterback Marc Bulger in rhythm for the regular season, this probably is the last opportunity. The third preseason game traditionally is the final dress rehearsal for starters in the NFL in terms of playing time, and that probably will be the case for the Rams.

"This is a big game as far as a significant amount of snaps they would get in a game," coach Scott Linehan said. "They've played quite a bit more to this point than they have in previous preseasons."

Unless Linehan changes his stance from his prior two preseasons in St. Louis, tonight could be the last time the starters are seen until opening day. In 2006, 20 of 22 starters were held out of the preseason finale in Miami. In 2007, all 22 projected starters were rested in the Governor's Cup game against Kansas City.

So the goal tonight seems clear against Baltimore. More good blocking, better passing — and some points wouldn't hurt, either.

"Certainly you'd like to be more productive when it comes to the offensive improvement, with putting points on the board," Linehan said. "We're playing against another top (10) defense. So the challenge is great."

Through two preseason games, Bulger has a passer rating of only 14.1, completing 10 of 23 passes for 85 yards with three interceptions and no touchdowns. Bulger will be the first to tell you he hasn't looked sharp. But there have been extenuating circumstances:

— Running back Steven Jackson didn't play in the first two games. (He will sit out tonight as well, even though he's in camp and signed to a new contract.)

— Wide receiver Torry Holt didn't play in Game 2 because of tightness in his back. (He is expected to play tonight.)

— Left tackle Orlando Pace is still working his way back into playing form following right shoulder surgery last fall. (He's iffy for tonight after experiencing shoulder soreness that apparently is unrelated to the prior injury.)

— Two of Bulger's three interceptions came on tipped passes, and against San Diego, wide receiver Drew Bennett dropped a couple of catchable balls.

— Lastly, offensive coordinator Al Saunders has been almost obsessed with trying to get the offensive line squared away above all else.

"We've been trying real hard to develop our continuity in the offensive line, both from a protection standpoint and a run standpoint, because it all starts there," Saunders said. "My focus, ever since (spring workouts), is to find our best five guys and make sure they're in a situation where they play well together.

"As a result of that, a lot of things we're doing now — in practice and in preseason games — is to make sure those guys are playing at the highest level they can play."

For those reasons and others, Saunders is still getting a feel for Bulger.

"I've got to learn about Marc Bulger and what gets him in a rhythm," Saunders said. "And I haven't done as good a job as I'd like to be able to do down the road to get him in a rhythm early in a game."

In Tennessee, the Rams' offense faced a big, physical 4-3 defensive front with fast linebackers. Against San Diego, the Rams faced a 3-4 scheme. Baltimore's defense presents yet another challenge. Scheme-wise, they are similar to the Rams in the sense that they have multiple looks and will come at you from all angles. The difference is they are a more physical unit.

"We get to see a lot of the confusion and things like that, that Baltimore presents for you," Linehan said.

Defensively, Linehan would like nothing better than for the Rams to continue the strides made last week, when they kept San Diego out of the end zone and limited the Chargers to 203 yards in total offense.

"To be really good, you've got to continue to do that each week," Linehan said.
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