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 Cards expect preseason challenge

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PostSubject: Cards expect preseason challenge   Cards expect preseason challenge Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2008 7:20 am

Cards expect preseason challenge
by Kent Somers - Aug. 22, 2008 03:44 PM
The Arizona Republic

OAKLAND - Among summer destinations, Oakland ranks well below, say, San Diego, but the Cardinals are happy to visit on Saturday.

At least that's the way coaches are spinning the preseason game against the Raiders at McAfee Coliseum. The Raiders will present challenges normally not seen in these games known formally as exhibitions.

In the preseason, the Raiders have displayed a punishing running game, and the Cardinals haven't had much luck at stopping the run.

Defensively, the Raiders play differently in the preseason than do most teams, which keep things as simple as vanilla ice cream. The Raiders, in contrast, are the NFL's version of Cold Stone Creamery. They will blitz, play pressure man coverage on receivers and occasionally break out the old "46" alignment.

"It's the first thing I told the guys: great team to play in the preseason," offensive coordinator Todd Haley said. "They'll let you know where you're at. They will find a way to get eight guys in the box any time they can."

That's a challenge for everyone on offense. Receivers must adjust their routes depending on coverage. Linemen need to pick up stunts and blitzes. Quarterbacks have to call audibles or make "hot" reads in the passing game.

"They're going to bring pressure, I know that," said quarterback Matt Leinart, who will start and play into the second quarter. "Anytime you play a team like that, it's the one-on-one battles that you have to win, and as a quarterback you have to find the one-on-one battles and the matchups."

Saturday's game, the third of the preseason, will be the last extended appearances by most starters, who won't play much in the fourth and final game next week against Denver.

Coaches are using this game to take a final long look at several position battles. As a result, certain positions will feature a rotation of players. Leinart and Kurt Warner will split snaps at quarterback, with Warner entering late in the first half.

Right guard Deuce Lutui will start, but Elton Brown also will play with the starters. Travis LaBoy will start ahead of Bertrand Berry at weak outside linebacker. Nose tackle Alan Branch will play some with the first team, relieving Bryan Robinson. Matt Ware and Aaron Francisco will split time at free safety.

Coaches also would like to evaluate some other youngsters tonight, such as receivers Early Doucet and Lance Long. Doucet a third-round pick this year, missed the first two games with a hamstring injury, and Long, a rookie free agent, has been the victim of an offense that's run only 102 plays in two games.

There just haven't been enough snaps to go around.

"It's always good to see them in game situations because everything moves a little faster," coach Ken Whisenhunt said.

The Cardinals are coming off their first preseason victory in Whisenhunt's two seasons, a 27-17 defeat of the Chiefs, but there have been some trouble spots.

Opponents have mounted too many long drives, and last week the defense yielded some long runs. The Raiders present a challenge because they are averaging 236 rushing yards and 6.1 yards per attempt this preseason.

"Last week we let some runs get out on us and I'd like to see that cleaned up a little bit," defensive coordinator Clancy Pendergast said. "It's not alarming or anything but it's a discipline factor, and we want to go out and be a disciplined run defense."

The Cardinals will need to make four roster moves early next week to reach the NFL limit of 75. The biggest cut, down to 53, comes after the final preseason game.

"This is a good test for us," Whisenhunt said, "and it's a good time because we really get to see some of the things that we need to see, and have time to correct them."
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