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 Bruce Leads Receiving Efforts

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PostSubject: Bruce Leads Receiving Efforts   Bruce Leads Receiving Efforts Icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 2:00 pm

Bruce Leads Receiving Efforts
Chrissy Mauck
September 14, 2008
Wideout Isaac Bruce finished last week’s game without a catch. He had only four in Sunday’s road win over Seattle, but they were big time plays, particularly his 33-yard reception on a 3rd and 7 play in overtime.

Although he’d been sacked eight times, quarterback J.T. O’Sullivan hung in the pocket back at his own 23-yardline and calmly lobbed one up for the veteran receiver, who niftily caught the ball over defender Josh Wilson at the Seattle 44-yardline.

“First it was a great call by Coach Martz,” said O’Sullivan of the play. “Second it was a great adjustment by Isaac. That is not the exact way that the play comes out but we talked about first a certain look that is what he would do. That is the look so that is what he did.”

It wasn’t the only time in the afternoon that Bruce demonstrated his experience. O’Sullivan said Bruce had made a similar adjustment in the second quarter when he caught a 63-yard deep ball, a play that the 49ers starting quarterback said made him proud.

“That was an adjustment versus a certain coverage,” said O’Sullivan. “Isaac saw it and did it again, made a big play on it again. Those are big time plays to see those adjustments and make those plays.”

Following the long ball reception, Bruce drew a pass interference call against the defense to set the 49ers offense up at the three-yardline. A play later O’Sullivan hooked up with Bryant Johnson for a 3-yard touchdown pass.

It was the second time Bruce helped his team get inside the five because of an interference call. On the drive before, Wilson yanked him by his jersey to keep him from running down a touchdown ball in the end zone. Although the 48ers failed to punch it in for a touchdown on that one, they did manage to come away with three.

Bruce’s 27-yard pass in the first quarter also helped set up a field goal, while his 30-yard reception in the fourth quarter on a 3rd and 14 play ignited the 49ers on their game-tying field goal drive. Prior to that completion, the 49ers had been 1-of-8 on third down conversions.

Bruce finished the day with 153-receiving yards, marking the first time a 49ers receiver has reached the 100-yard receiving mark since Antonio Bryant did so in week two of the 2006 season.

But Bruce wasn’t the only free-agent receiver making plays, or adjustments.

Johnson, who joined the 49ers from Arizona this off-season also enjoyed six catches for 78 yards, plus the score.

“We definitely had some one on one matchups that we knew we were going to have coming into the game,” said Johnson. “I think we did a good job on the outside winning those matchups. And, JT did a heck of a job being able to get us the ball.”

With O’Sullivan often on the run from Seattle’s pressure, the receivers had to remain alert.

“It becomes like a fast break in basketball,” explained Johnson. “The play goes out the window and you’ve got to find a way to get open and he’ll find a way to get you the ball. He does a great job using his legs as well. If he can’t find anyone, he’ll try to run and get a first down.”

O’Sullivan also found wide receiver Arnaz Battle a few times. Battle came up with a few clutch catches to finish the day with 4 catches for 44 yards.

“I knew we were going to take some shots down the field but I just kept seeing JT flipping the ball, bee lining it down the field,” said guard Tony Wragge. “Isaac, B.J., Arnaz - we were getting 25 and 30- yard chunks. I’d see that ball whizzing over my shoulder and then I was just chasing it down the field. Those receivers, and JT did a great job.”

Despite being tossed eight times for 49 yards by Seattle defenders, O’Sullivan completed 20 of 32 passes for 321 yards, a touchdown and a 106.4 QB Rating.

“The offense line prides ourselves on not giving up sacks or pressures or hits and that alluded us tonight obviously,” admitted Wragge. “Seattle did a great job applying pressure. JT stepped in, did not lose confidence and showed up. He’s great.”

Johnson said that he’s come to expect the best from O’Sullivan in the midst of chaos.

“I think he does a great job being poised, regardless if something bad happens. He’s going to come back in there and make the play. He has a knack for making a play, despite being rushed or flushed out of the pocket. He’s able to get his feet set and fire that ball.”

O’Sullivan’s calm and confident demeanor also made for a collected huddle during the 49ers final drive.

“He just takes control of the huddle, ‘everyone eyes on me,’” said Johnson. “It was definitely tough for us to hear the plays so we had to hone in, make sure we heard them and got lined up properly and then overcome the crowd noise.”

The noise did present some problems for the 49ers,who committed a few false start penalties and were forced to use timeouts, but their ultimate success on offense silenced the unruly crowd.

“It’s a tough place to play in the road in the NFL,” said O’Sullivan. “Anyplace is tough but especially this place. We made some adjustments that I was proud of, with our guys up front dealing with the noise.”
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