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 Hill could be leader for Washington job

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Hill could be leader for Washington job Empty
PostSubject: Hill could be leader for Washington job   Hill could be leader for Washington job Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 2:03 am

Hill could be leader for Washington job

Tom Dienhart College Football Senior Writer

With the Clemson (Dabo Swinney) and Tennessee (Lane Kiffin) jobs filled, the biggest opening now is Washington's.

The hot talk is Fresno State's Pat Hill may be the front-runner. He interviewed for the job after Fresno's game at Boise State last Friday, and a decision could be made quickly by Washington officials.

Hill has done a lot to make the Bulldogs a strong program despite working with limited resources. Playing a national schedule has raised the program's profile and made it one of the most respected non-"Big Six" schools in the nation. Hill is well-connected in Western recruiting circles and could build a strong staff.

It helps that Alabama coach Nick Saban is pushing Hill for the job. Saban was at LSU when the Washington president (Mark Emmert) and athletic director (Scott Woodward) also were in Baton Rouge.

School officials have interviewed Notre Dame offensive coordinator Mike Haywood. It is believed Washington also has interviewed USC offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian, and officials have talked twice with TCU coach Gary Patterson. Others who may get involved are Cincinnati's Brian Kelly, Texas Tech's Mike Leach, Boise State's Chris Petersen, Montana's Bobby Hauck, UCLA defensive coordinator DeWayne Walker and Utah's Kyle Whittingham.

Syracuse talk heating up reported last week that Illinois offensive coordinator Mike Locksley interviewed for the Syracuse job and that Oregon offensive coordinator Chip Kelly will interview Wednesday. also has learned that Syracuse interviewed Cincinnati Bengals offensive line coach Paul Alexander on Saturday.

Maryland offensive coordinator James Franklin and East Carolina coach Skip Holtz also are believed to be main targets, and others believed to be under consideration are Florida assistant head coach/offensive line Steve Addazio, New Orleans Saints offensive coordinator Doug Marrone, Philadelphia Eagles offensive assistant Mark Whipple and Buffalo coach Turner Gill.

Some also feel Connecticut coach Randy Edsall is in the running despite his public comments that he is not a candidate. Edsall is a Syracuse alum.

New Mexico likely wants offensive coach

Word is the New Mexico job may go to a minority candidate. In addition, the next coach likely will have an offensive background. has confirmed that Illinois' Locksley has interviewed for the post. Others who could be on the radar in Albuquerque are Buffalo's Gill, UCLA's DeWayne Walker and Oklahoma State safeties/special teams coach Joe DeForest.

Another possibility is Florida offensive coordinator Dan Mullen. New Mexico A.D. Paul Krebs held the same post at Bowling Green when Mullen was an assistant there under Urban Meyer. In addition, keep an eye on Arizona offensive coordinator Sonny Dykes and Oklahoma State running backs coach Curtis Luper.

San Diego State looking for experience

Despite the school's checkered football history, San Diego State is viewed by many as a desirable non-"Big Six" job. Having entrusted the job to an unproven commodity in Chuck Long the last time a hire was made, there's a good chance school officials will turn to a veteran, proven head coach with name appeal.

Some early names are Florida defensive line coach Dan McCarney, former Texas A&M coach Dennis Franchione, former Colorado coach Gary Barnett, former Minnesota coach Glen Mason and former Auburn coach Terry Bowden. Also keep an eye on Louisville defensive coordinator Ron English and UCLA's Walker.

The MAC has four openings

The MAC is a league to watch with openings at Toledo, Miami, Bowling Green and Eastern Michigan.

The Toledo search may come to an end in the next few weeks, perhaps as soon as Dec. 5. The top targets appear to be Arizona defensive coordinator Mark Stoops, Missouri defensive coordinator Matt Eberflus, Iowa secondary coach Phil Parker and Ohio State co-defensive coordinator Luke Fickell. has confirmed that Eberflus has interviewed at Toledo. It also is believed that Penn State quarterback coach Jay Paterno will interview at Toledo.

Early word at Eastern Michigan is that former Michigan coach Lloyd Carr will be heavily involved in the selection process. The top targets may be Detroit Lions quarterbacks coach Scot Loeffler and Iowa wide receiver coach Erik Campbell, who both were assistants under Carr with the Wolverines.

Utah State narrowing list

It is believed Auburn defensive coordinator Paul Rhoads is a top target at Utah State. Others in the mix are Utah defensive coordinator Gary Andersen, USF wide receivers coach Mike Canales, former Utah State coach John L. Smith and San Jose State linebacker coach Kent Baer.

Auburn decision expected soon Expect a decision on the future of Auburn's Tommy Tuberville soon. If he returns, he'll have to shake up his offensive staff.

Offensive coordinator Tony Franklin was fired during the season. Others who could leave are offensive line coach Hugh Null, tight ends coach Steve Ensminger and receivers coach Greg Knox. Expect the new offensive coordinator to bring one or two assistants with him.

Early names being bandied about are Syracuse offensive coordinator Mitch Browning, Washington offensive coordinator Tim Lappano, Memphis offensive coordinator Clay Helton, Oklahoma running backs coach Cale Gundy, Tennessee Tech coach Watson Brown and former Kansas State coach Ron Prince.

This and that

If Charlie Weis is forced out at Notre Dame, don't be shocked to see the Irish make runs at Cincinnati's Brian Kelly and N.C. State's Tom O'Brien. … Illinois State is a good FCS (i.e., Division I-AA) job. Among the early contenders are former Nebraska defensive coordinator Kevin Cosgrove and Georgia State offensive coordinator John Bond - a former assistant at Illinois State.
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