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 49ers' offensive line doing fine in preseason

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49ers' offensive line doing fine in preseason Empty
PostSubject: 49ers' offensive line doing fine in preseason   49ers' offensive line doing fine in preseason Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 4:33 pm

49ers' offensive line doing fine in preseason
By Daniel Brown Mercury News

There is still a stall for Larry Allen in the 49ers' locker room. It sits between the lockers for Eric Heitmann and Joe Staley with a nameplate marked "LA." It's still full of stuff, too, just in case the left guard decides at the last second he wants to play for the 49ers again.

So far, the offensive line is getting by just fine without him. Entering Friday night against the San Diego Chargers, the 49ers have yielded just two sacks over the first three exhibition games.

That's surprising for two reasons:

1. The 49ers surrendered a team-record 55 sacks last year.

2. Offensive coordinator Mike Martz brings a reputation for exposing his quarterback. His Detroit Lions gave up 63 sacks in 2006 and 54 in '07.

Somehow, though, 49ers quarterbacks are staying upright. The O-line is playing well despite injuries of varying severity to David Baas (pectoral), Jonas Jennings (hand) and Adam Snyder (ankle).

"You can't say enough about the pass protection this preseason,'' quarterback J.T. O'Sullivan said. "The one sack against Chicago was more of a coverage sack than anything else. If I had to do it all over again, I probably could have thrown the ball away."

Staley, the left tackle, said his linemates have simply responded to the challenges inherent in Martz's system. The offensive coordinator frequently employs five-man routes, leaving the O-line little room for error.

"I personally like it,'' Staley said. "I find myself on an island a lot, but when you put pressure on me like that, it raises my game. I know that's true for everybody else, too."

Guard Tony Wragge said: "I would say (Martz's) system is simplistically complex. It has answers for any problem we're going to see in front of us."

# Baas' comeback will begin with 15-20 snaps against San Diego. He will play left guard with Snyder out. Wragge will play right guard, with a chance of winning the starting job. Barry Sims is expected to start at right tackle in place of Jennings.

# Coach Mike Nolan said if the season started today, Jeff Ulbrich would start at the strong inside linebacker spot. Recent acquisition Takeo Spikes is still learning. "He's got a little catching up to do,'' Nolan said. "He's making good progress. He's going to contribute one way or another. I'm not sure what it will be yet."

# Receiver Bryant Johnson practiced for the first time since suffering a hamstring strain Aug. 4. The 49ers are holding off before deciding how much he'll play Friday.

# Linebacker Dontarrious Thomas suffered a sprained shoulder but is expected back at practice today.
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