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 Raiders QB fine with short passes

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Raiders QB fine with short passes Empty
PostSubject: Raiders QB fine with short passes   Raiders QB fine with short passes Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 11:00 pm

Raiders QB fine with short passes
He just wants to help the team win
By Jason Jones -
Published 12:00 am PDT Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Story appeared in SPORTS section, Page C3

ALAMEDA – Most of JaMarcus Russell's collegiate highlights showcased his strong right arm that could deliver the ball to any spot on the field.

Now in his first training camp and exhibition season after holding out as a rookie, most his of his passes are short outs to running backs and quick hits to tight ends.

Not exactly highlight-film material.

But it's the kind of decision-making from the Raiders' second-year quarterback that pleases the coaching staff.

"We did it so much at practice, checking the ball down, that it's better than the deep ball sometimes," Russell said. "Letting the backs break a few tackles, get a first down or a big run (isn't bad). We kind of forced that in my head, and I'm just kind of living by that right now."

It can be effective, too. Russell completed 10 of 17 passes in Saturday's exhibition game at Tennessee.

Seven of the 10 completed passes were to tight end Zach Miller or a running back. Only Miller averaged more than seven yards a catch.

Passes to wide receivers were short slants and quick passes designed to make a defender miss.

Running backs caught the ball in the flat and on screens.

It's certainly a case of living on the safe side in the passing game, but that probably will be the Raiders' offense.

The Raiders figure to run the ball a lot with Justin Fargas, Darren McFadden and Michael Bush, so the passing game could err on the side of boring more times than not.

It's hard to argue with the results.

Russell hasn't committed a turnover in the exhibition season. And he rewarded coach Lane Kiffin's trust with four completions of 10 yards or more when given the chance to throw the ball on the Raiders' lone touchdown drive against the Titans.

"He's bought in, and he understands why we're doing it," Kiffin said. " … When it was there, he took it, and when it wasn't, he checked the ball down. The more he does, the more we'll be able to play like that."

This is Russell's opportunity to show Kiffin he can throw the ball. But the reality is Russell probably won't be passing 17 times in a half this season unless something has gone wrong.

If the running game is effective, Russell might not pass much more than 20 times in a game.

That doesn't bother him.

"I'm here to do whatever it takes to help the team out, whether it is to throw the ball five times a game with the backs we have and the way the offensive line has a good run-blocking game," Russell said. "It doesn't mean anything to me unless I can go out there and help out to win the game. I'm OK with that."

It doesn't hurt that with a back like McFadden, a two-yard pass can become a long touchdown.

"It really can be," Russell said.

That's exactly how his coaches want him thinking.
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