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 Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES

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Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Empty
PostSubject: Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES   Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 8:24 am

Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Peter Finney

Let's see if I have this correct about the Saints opening act of 2008 before the home crowd:

It took only the first offensive series by Houston for Jason David to prove he was in midseason form.

It took three offensive series by the Texans to prove the Saints defense was in midseason form.

And it took less than a half for Drew Brees and the Saints offense to prove, once again, they're prepared to hold up their end of the bargain.

So what about Deuce McAllister?

Health-wise, in what was a cameo appearance, he earned a passing grade.

We'll start with poor Jason, which is exactly where Texans quarterback Matt Schaub began Saturday evening in the Superdome.

On an 80-yard scoring drive, Schaub went after the cornerback wearing No. 42 as if he were wearing a bulls-eye, which was pretty much the story of '07 when the free-agent pickup from the Colts was hit for more than a few big plays.

What Schaub did on the opening series was find receivers covered by David for 14 yards and 17 yards, this before completing a 26-yarder down the middle for a touchdown.

The Texans followed with a 74-yard, 10-play drive, doing most of their damage in the air. And the next time they got their hands on the football, they went 50 yards in seven plays for a field goal.
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Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Empty
PostSubject: Re: Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES   Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 8:26 am

Yes, Coach Sean Payton's front-line defense seemed to be experiencing familiar problems for much of the opening 30 minutes.

And his offense? Another familiar story.

While Schaub completed 14 of 16 passes for 187 and two touchdowns, Brees went 12-of-17 for 147 and two touchdowns, this after the offense had to settle for a field goal instead of a touchdown after recovering a fumble on the Houston 10.

Reggie Bush converted a Brees toss in the flat for a 12-yard touchdown to complete a 78-yard drive, and Marques Colston pulled a Brees lob out of the air to end a 72-yard drive.

Brees would have had a third touchdown in the first quarter had not Texans cornerback C.C. Brown come up with a big hit in the end zone, separating the football from the grasp of tight end Mark Campbell after Brees had taken the team 60 yards.

What else can you say about the quarterback?

Given good protection, Brees was Brees.

As for McAllister, the jury is out, for someone on the way back from major knee surgery.

The most impressive of his four carries for 16 yards, all between the tackles, was a 4-yard jab following a quick cut, the kind Deuce used effectively in those days of 1,000-yard seasons.

How important is he?
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Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Empty
PostSubject: Re: Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES   Familiar story: offense on target, defense shaky 3 PAGES Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 8:27 am

The case can be made he was the major reason in Saints' drop from 10-6 to 7-9, if only because his early-season loss changed what the offense could do effectively, on the ground and in the air.

It was more than statistics, more than the Saints going from a 1,000-yard, 10-touchdown player to one whose season ended with 92 yards and no scores.

It was more, simply because Deuce's presence made Reggie Bush more effective weapon.

Has Deuce seen his best days? No doubt about that.

But when you're dealing with what he brings to a football team, on and off the field, Deuce at 75 percent would be welcome over a 16-game season.

And let's say this about the 2008 Saints.

Even with McAllister at 100 percent and Brees at 1,000 percent, this team will not make the playoffs with the kind of defense we saw Saturday night.

Apparently, after watching the 31-27 win for the visitors, a game in which the Saints' defense was just as wretched in the second half as it was in the first, the coach came to the same conclusion.

"It was painful," Payton said.

The only good news is Saturday was Sept. 7, when Tampa Bay comes to town.
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